Ethical Guidebook

A discussion of the difference between our personal values and our public ethics, how mature citizens can support both, and why our love for public ethics must trump our love for personal and group values when they conflict in the public space. Ethics offers a guidebook for evaluating public issues and finding multilateral solutions to endless cycles of values centric conflicts and unilateral violence.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Sense of Place

My dad passed away recently, my mom a few years earlier. They gave me a sense of place in both a world of values - home, farm, family, religion, culture, country - and a world of ethics - accomodation and tolerance of others who are different, the joy and power of music and harmony, love of education and acceptance of facts, appreciation for decent government and institutions of fairness. One of my mom's favorite sayings was, "I just can't stand intolerance!". Hopefully some of that rubbed off.


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